2face (old but gold), 3RDV (kunstkantine), 88uw – Unlimited:Whatever (tresor), a:toque (ifz), Abdre (binär), Achilles (sweet nectar tapes), Acierate (synoid), Aemute (Die Villa), AHXAT (discrete data), Alan Oldham (bpitch control), Alex Bau (credo), Alex Hall (sumsa), Alexander Kowalski (damage), Alexander Schulz, Alva (flash), Alignment (voxnox), Amier Elmalih, Andy Gee (luvthang), Andy Macht (laut klub), Anna Feodora (district4), Array Access (ressort imprint), Asem Shama (stil vor talent), Ascon Bates (solid rush), Atze Ton (naked lunch), ax/s (ms treue), axiom_emes (magdeburg), Barrel (modul), Basic Groove (amicissia), Ben Anderson, Benno (headrooms), Björn del Togno (silodom), B-Drive (temple istanbul), Bloody Mary (dame-music), Blue Hour (blue hour music), Brian B (black ego), Brian Sanhaji (sensor), Brothers Black (voxnox), Captain Dreister, Carla Schubert (escape), Charon Styx (who’s that girl), China Shipping Line (weimar), Chlär (bipolar disorder), Chris Rinox (subground), Chris Rust (störio), Chris von B. (complexed), Christian Gerlach (lanthan audio), Clio (drumcode), Cloudyq (hide), Cloven (repitition), Cristian Marras (disconnekt), Dada Disco (bar25), Dævid Sauer (geheimclub), Daniel Boon (neuhain), Daniel Heinrich (berlina für techno), dan’ste, David Roeglin (berlina für techno), de:tronique (deep dive), Deephouse Lem, DeKai (ragnarøk), Der Totmacher (wakkler), Diabot (strikt), Dinamite (affin), DJ Emerson (micro.fon), DJ Lesh (schalldruck), DJ T.A.G. (tresor), Dj Tork (kunstkantine), Don’t Insert Name Here (geheimclub), Donna Knispel (ifz), dotwav (konflkt), Drauf und Dran (kiddaz.fm), Drumcomplex (complexed), dunkel:rot (TBA), Dunkelziffer (geheimclub), Dustin Zahn (drumcode), DXTN (geheimclub), Echoes Of October (verdorben), Ecdyson (teilkonversum7), Eindreas (modem39), Ekserd (ressort imprint), Electrorites (shout), Elixenia (ragnarøk), Escape to Mars (modul), Esther Duijn (another world), Eve Schwarz (uncut music), Fabio (repitition), Felix Schumann (abaton), FF-Cut, Finn Bønin (ms treue), Florian (charmin records), Francesco Devincenti (doble bilder), Freddy K (key vinyl), Frederic Stunkel (cubeplus), Freulein P. (miss mallory), Gayle San (naked lunch), Georg Bigalke (Distillery), Głós (ressort imprint), Göran Schenker (klub elektrik), Hans Bouffmyhre (sleaze records), Hans Klangholz (kopfüber), Hanoj (teilkonversum7), Harry Axt (arms & legs), Hazett (hell ist anders), Head Return (bipolar disorder), Héctor Oaks (kaos), Hefty (darker sounds), HGR Hintergrundrauschen (tresor), Holger Nielson (ragnarøk), Holgi Star (kiddaz.fm), Hours (lehmann), Howard Mono (anturia, studio essen), Hurtado (brood audio), I.E (Ismus), Illy Noize (joyfriends), Inhalt der Nacht (lebendig), Introversion (ARTS), Invite (Invite’s choice), IVS (con.trol), Ixel (kaputt), Jacq“ (intensiv), Jama (bar25), Jan Goertz (geheimclub), Jan Liefhebber (acid flush), Janein (Seelen.), Jango S (Rote Sonne), Janter Zakebusch (wir hören), Jean Pierre (viktoria), JG101 (geheimclub), Jil Tanner (eveneves), JJ3 (jokkel), Joachim Spieth (affin), Johnny Island (planet rhythm, smaragd), Joseph| (time to get lost), Josh UB (kippschalter), JR Electric (comstylz), Julian Viegas (de-konstrukt), Kaiser (animal farm), Kaldera (well done!), Karl & Lioba Löwenherz, Kavaro (sector), KE:NT (absolut techno), Keepsakes (S.L.A.M.), Kevin de Vries (drumcode), Kevin Domanski (deep dive), Kevin Wimmer (ragnarøk), Kimbownaut (funkwerke), Kjeld (die Villa), Klaus (kunstkantine), Kriek (tresor), Kristin Velvet (arms & legs), krnz (geheimclub), Kyle Geiger (drumcode), Lars Huismann *live (animal farm), Lars Svendson (andere welt), Lazer Lucy (Lotenheim), Lex Gorrie (sleaze records), Lindsey Herbert (robot ears), Lorenz Kraach (kunstkantine), Luca Secco & Craftkind (rawesome recordings), Lucinee (lucid / pal hamburg), Lukas Freymuth (ragnarøk), Lukas Stern (lehmann), Magnus (geheimclub), Marc Baker (kippschalter), Marcel Heese (tresor), Marcel Lentges (modem:39), Mario Berger (tresor), Marion Cobretti (section 8), Mark Jackus (noir music), Markova (stahlplatten), Marla Singer (nachtstrom), Martin Saupe (Lotenheim), Matt Morra (ragnarøk), Matthias Heyner (vantec), Max Beta (Lotenheim), Mercury 200 (bipolar), Mert Mechanic, Michał Jabłoński *live (slap), Migo (kulturwerk ost), Mike Wall (wall music), Modular Systems (advanced), Monokel T. (tools of tomorrow), Monya *live (corresponding positions), Mørbeck (code is law), Morris & Plastiksoul (klub elektrik), Narciss (seelen.), Nautica (Nacht & Nebel), Nerc (techno royale), Nicolas Lendkrais (geheimclub), Non Reversible (Ear To Ground), Nort Liston (geheimclub), Noseda (ragnarøk), Nspere (Nacht & Nebel), Oliver Chlass (betriebsfeier), Oliver Deutschmann (berghain), Oliver Olschgo (sportclub), Oliver Rosemann (mord), Olivia Mendez (particules), Oscar Ozz (supdub), Paale (ahoi audio), Pär Grindvik (stockholm ltd.), Pæp Pølar (modem39), Pascal Hetzel (upon you), Patrice Willow, Patrick Brosin (.defaultbox), Patrick Dre (Drec), Pawel Janeda (strikt), Peed Neslø (deep dive), Pernox (geheimclub), Peter Eilmes (sensor), Peter Kneer (concepts of time), Phillson (TBA), Phonatic (headroom), Pierre Deutschmann (magdalena), PVS (h.omevvork), r:Brockwell (geheimclub), Ragi (magdeburg), Raphael Dincsoy (lehmann), Rasch (escape), Raulito Wolf (Lotenheim), Rawley (mo’s ferry), Reinsch (soultunes), Reklok *live (arts), Relativ Gute Freunde (geheimclub), Remco Beekwilder (monnom black), Repressed Mind (modul), Richard Bredicz (klub elektrik), Rdr (exlepäng), Ro (tresor), Rocko Garoni (Sisyphos), Robert Egenolf (tkr), Roberto B (speedexx), Rod_A (Mauerpfeiffer), Roland Werk (district4), Romano Van de Mas (darkness), Ruppidiekatz (subground), Sa.mu (deep dive), Scanna (3raumklang), SDB (Mauerpfeiffer), Seba Made, Sebastian Sandmann (tohtabak), Selektivton (twintown), Seth van Rinsum (escape), SHDW & Obscure Shape (from another mind), Sibylline Oracles *live (sweet nectar tapes), Siebenschlaefer (undefined lines), Simo Lorenz (italo business), Sinus *live (delusion), Sleeparchive (mord), Smutje *live (abaton), Someone Outside (off records), Sonah (abaton), Spinnzinn (typ3 records), Stef Mendesidis (klockworks), Stefan Helmke (blueten), Stefan Vöst (Augsburg), Steinmetz (konflkt), Stigmatique (seelen.), Stojche (tangible assets), Strb (bipolar disorder), Sven Schaller (abstract), Sven Wittekind (abstract), Swing City (twentyfour), Sylvie Maziarz (berlina für techno), TAG & Wandrach (tw records), Tay (tay & finn, eisenwaren), Templeton (hypress), Tension (illegal alien), The Chronics (bipolar disorder), Till The End (geheimclub), Tim Nesca (sweet nectar tapes), Tham (synoid, lebendig, griessmuehle), Thomas Hoffknecht (district4), Thomas Leitschuh, Thomas Lizzara (love matters), Thomas Wandrach (TAG&Wandrach, kippschalter), Thomas Schneider (ote), Tom Marten (ragnarøk), Tom Tonlos (Augsburg), TooMuch (Ismus), Torsten Kanzler (tkr), Tosch (geheimclub), Triggered (escape), Ukt Apa (uktura), Unart8 (Drec), Unknown Sphere (die Villa), V111 (ear to ground), Vincent Neumann (distillery), Visum (modul), Vitus Soska (Musa Nova), VNNN. (the third room, studio essen), VoidFox (geheimclub), Volex (Acidscrapers), VSSL (Rote Sonne), Welticke (lichtblick), XHEI (under club), XtraLarge (CASIO), YENI (cyborgs in love), Yetti Meißner (sisyphos), Zakari & Blange (phobiq), Zeroline (undefined lines)